Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Don't Make a Career out of it...

I hope I can keep up with this and not let it fall behind like all the other internet things I sign up for and do not use.  Heres to another go.

School Starts back up in 2 weeks and I can not wait!!!!  I find that the difference between high school and college is staggering and I love it.  I hope with time comes clarity when it comes to my major; Photography or Advertising Design or double major.  I feel I will not be able to find a career in photography that will make me happy, at the same time I need to take photographs to make me happy.  My intro to Ad Design class this quarter will help me make that choice, I hope. 

I am interested in seeing how things will come together when school starts when it comes to my friends.  I hope everything will over lap easily between my old friends and my new friends, and find time for each and everyone one of them.  Sometimes I miss my old friends because they already know me and know how I am feeling with out me telling them.  Friends are the greatest.  I need to start visiting friends that moved away more, I am talking about steven and vanessa, I feel terrible that I got so close to them and have not seen them in forever. 

I guess this is a good start, 

Plenty to come! 

Thursday Steven


Samantha said...

Steven, let's be blog pen pals...being that I fail considerably at being a real-life pen pal. Ya digg?

Myrriah Gossett said...

i feel yah on the double major thing. i just feel like if i cant be challenged academically and creatively im not getting a full picture. i think your intro class will help you and you'll be good at either choice.

Sarah Elizabeth Carr said...

if you're nervous about not being happy with a career in photography and you find that you really do like ad design just remember you don't have to be a professional photographer to take pictures :)

David Robins said...

Woooo. Steven used my nickname for him!