I knew this would happen.
I knew I would not keep up with this silly thing.
Oh well,
This school year is shaping up to be completely different then the last. Taking classes I am interested in, meeting people who I will one day have to compete with in the Job market. I will find a way to win, I am very competitive when it comes to certain things, and being more creative, faster(mostly in my car), and higher grades, to name a few.
This school year is also bring a variety of challenges; pulling two all nighters in a row was the high light of it thus far.
I feel like I have four million things to say to everyone but not a single sentence comes to mind.
This New Year was certainly an interesting time, I just hung out with friends; sparklers were involved due to tradition and due to the fact that they are entirely needed to have a good time.
For the second time in a row I meet some one right before Winter break, I wonder if it will happen again next year? I think everyone knows the situation that ensued. I know I may not express my feelings very often but that is just how I am. I am usually a very happy and carefree person, but that in no way means I do not have other ones. It is hard for me to make the first move, tell people I like them, and do things of such. So when something does happen, when I meet someone I get nervous, I come up with excuses an
d act like it's not a big deal. That may have caused the current situation to happen, maybe it did not. I do not know, all I know is that people I trusted, people I liked lied to me, which although I did not show it, although I told everyone whatever, It made me want to throw up, my stomach was in knots when I thought about it. I am trying not to feel like I do not want to be at the house cause It is my house and I refuse to feel like I should not be here. I can not wait to move out, to get away from the place that holds all of those memories I should be able to cherish, the times where I can look back and laugh, the songs I can sing to remember all those times. All I have now is a date to look forward too, bad memories and good songs I can not stand to listen too. All I can say is I hope you continue on your path of bridge burning cause one day you are going to burn yourself onto an island.
For my history of advertising class I have to write a report and the person I picked is turning out to be extremely interesting. His speech's, his attitude
towards life, is process is all something I want to follow. I read what he says and I feel like I can easily subscribe to what he is saying that by reading this I understand exactly what he means and as of right now I can implement all of his wisdom and words of advise.
That is when I realize I have no idea what he is talking about, that although I feel like I have aged, grown, acquired knowledge, I am still so far away from developing/implementing/subscribing to any sort of life strategy. I am far too young, far to understand someone who has decades of experience in the real world, I can barely pay for rent..... This is making me terrified. I am terrified that I wo
nt be able to live up to my own standards let alone some one who is an industry leader, who owns the company I dream of working for. But this is a good thing I feel; although I cant scratch the surface of what he is talking about I am making steps to understand. I have finally picked a goal, picked a place where I want to work, live and prosper. I have made it my goal to understand everything that Dan Wieden means, to work at Wieden+Kennedy, to become an Art Director, to be creative everyday of my life, to travel, and to be able to support myself with my job. That is my goal.
I think that is pretty good.

P.S. I do not think any one knows how much I would love to major in Art History. I am not even lying.
I'll be happy to let you help me with papers steven if it makes you feel like an honorary art history major. Keep shooting for your goals kid, its the only way to make all this hard work feel like its worth something.
i love you, and i'm always always always here for you.
whatever, you knew that, but i don't care.
"All I can say is I hope you continue on your path of bridge burning cause one day you are going to burn yourself onto an island."
intense-osity level 25
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